NISAN Project
Administered Tests with Network Diagnostics via a Non Invasive Sensor
The main objective of the NISAN project, conducted under the 5th EC Framework Program between 2002-2004, was designing, constructing, developing, practical testing and disseminating of the home medical platform, i.e. a smart system enabling patient diagnosis and independent treatment at home, using advanced telemedicine solutions for communication with medical staff.
The NISAN project was also aimed at increasing the effectiveness of treatment for people requiring continuous anticoagulation therapy. This project may also contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of patients, requiring continuous treatment, and in particular the chronic use of anticoagulants, allowing them to conduct diagnostic tests necessary for proper treatment. Similar to what already is available in the case of diabetes, these patients will be freed from the need for frequent tests performed in laboratory conditions for self-performed home tests. As a result of the activities carried out under the project, one can expect significant savings, associated on the one hand with more adequate treatment of patients, and on the other with their greater productivity caused by saving time for research performed at a time and place convenient for the patient.
In the NISAN project, the Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, piloted a telemedical platform for remote evaluation of blood coagulation parameters.