International co-operation

International co-operation has played a vital role in the Department’s work since its creation. Experience gained by Prof. Ewa Ratajczyk-Pakalska during her work abroad formed the foundations for both educational and research processes undertaken by the Department. In 1999 National Research Committee (KBN) awarded the Department with a grant to support preparations for participation in the 5th European Union Framework Program, which enabled the Department to establish direct contacts with international partners and to prepare project motions for the European Committee. As a result of these actions, the Department participated in two projects realised within the 5th European Union Framework Programme (Nisan Project and NICMS Project). Also, it was a coordinator of ABC Project, conducted within the period 2009-2012, and a partner of COMMODITY12 Project, both within the 7th European Union Framework Program. Currently, as a member of SIMPATHY Project (under the umbrella of EU 3 rd Health Program), Department is leading benchmarking of European strategies of polypharmacy and adherence management in elderly.

ENKORE Project

ODIN Project


Skills4Adherence Project


ABC Project

COMMODITY 12 Project

HEALTH EQUITY 2020 Project

NISAN Project

NICMS Project