e-Prescription at the Congress of Family Medicine
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A workshop entitled “e-Prescription is just the beginning. Which eHealth services will soon be available to family doctors?”, has been organised by the Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, at the XIX Congress of Family Medicine, which took place in Lodz on June 6 – 9, 2019. During this workshop, family physicians participating in the Congress obtained first-hand information on the brand-new e-prescription system from prestigious guests: Minister Janusz Cieszyński, and Mrs. Justyna Pancerow from the Center for Health Care Information Systems. Professor Przemyslaw Kardas presented results of the analysis of the first tranche of e-prescriptions issued in Poland during the pilot, which took place in 2018. This data allowed for the first time for the assessment of the level of primary non-adherence in Poland (the scenario in which patients do not collect their prescribed drugs from pharmacies).