Healthy ageing in 21st century: teledebate of GATEKEEPER project
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Polish society is aging rapidly, and elderly people with multimorbidity are a considerable challenge for the health care system. Therefore, actions are urgently needed to ensure that citizens are as healthy and active as possible despite the passage of time. Can new technologies help in this? This was the question that guided the participants of the teledebate organized by the Department of Family Medicine of UMED on October 23, 2020 under the framework of European GATEKEEPER program. A wide range of experts – doctors, nurses, pharmacists, public health professionals and others – have debated online how new intelligent health technologies can enable an independent, active and healthy life. Valuable expert opinions will be used in practical activities carried out by the Medical University of Lodz within the GATEKEEPER project in Poland, and will also be used by the international consortium of researchers to develop the European platform for data exchange and technology GATEKEEPER. Read more about the GATEKEEPER project here>>